The Journey

“I was 21 when I became a nurse, bright-eyed and eager to find my way.

I felt ready to be a hand to hold, a listener, a healing presence.

Once I settled in, I realized the intensity and the challenges that would accompany the road I had chosen.

Tears were plentiful that first year.

I felt the heartache of my patients,

the suffering and loss lingered in my mind.

At this time in my life, I found yoga.

Yoga taught me resilience,

I learned how to remain grounded amidst chaos,

I discovered my breath as a channel for calm,

I recognized that I could endure difficult moments with profound awareness and grace.

Most importantly, I learned to not be defeated by darkness, but to journey courageously forward in spite of it.

I stayed the course.

I followed my intuition.

After many years of working in the hospital, I was inspired to become an integrative nurse practitioner to help prevent “dis-ease” and to teach patients the power of the mind-body connection that helped me on my own journey. 

I feel so fortunate to have found my calling and my purpose. 

My mission as an integrative nurse practitioner is to help patients achieve physical and spiritual balance, and to ultimately guide them in living a healthy and happy life.”